Whatever the process is in your church that selects, interviews, and invites a pastor, there will inevitably be conversation and interest in that process. Small conversations will irrupt around you and will be opportunities for encouragement and investment into the church’s support of the incoming pastor and the process that is bringing them here. Investment is the best word to use here because the statements that you make in these circumstances are critical for the development of the necessary energy needed to equip your new pastor for the task of learning, leading, and loving the heart of your church. There is nothing more beneficial for the pastor than the support of the ENTIRE church, and that is the goal that you must have as you attempt to interject support and energy toward the future.
Supporting the process that brings the pastor is just as important as supporting the pastor. Committee members, Deacons, or Elders that work toward bringing the best pastor possible need to be supported individually. Each of these workers must be encouraged and supported throughout the process through words of affirmation, cards, or even treating them to lunch. Make whatever efforts are necessary to ensure that the energy of each of these individuals does not fade will begin to sap you of energy yourself. If and when this happens, don’t forget to take time to be supported as much as you are supporting others. If you can get the church leadership to be a part of this encouragement process, there will no doubt be encouragement for you throughout this process as well.