Tuesday, March 11, 2014


As a counselor and pastor, I am often the facilitator of groups and meetings where I ask people to share themselves with the rest of the group.  At this point I sound like the cliché counselor who asks, “And how does that make you feel?” 

But in all actuality, it is a great question to ask.  In spite of the fact that my church members and counseling clients often roll their eyes at me when they hear those words, it is important that we don’t look past the fact that we are real people who have real feelings and need real release from our emotional bondage. 

One of the best ways that we can find that kind of release is through the sharing of what we have learned.  

For me, this has been a cathartic exercise in reducing the anger and hurt that I felt over many years without a pastor.  Moreover, I have been able to share hope through the struggle by engaging many people who have recently lost pastors, so that they can learn from my mistakes.   

So lets talk.  How does your past make you feel?

Are you angry, hurt, lonely, anxious, perplexed, lethargic etc?

Through what activities do you hope to relieve some of these feelings?

How do you hope others can grow from what you know?

Can you be an encouragement to anyone who is also feeling this way?

People, its ok to FEEL! 

The church has to stop pretending that we never get hurt, and we have to show a lost world what it means to be comforted by the Holy Spirit!  Let the world see that you were hurt, and let them know that the Lord is healing you.  The work isn’t over, but He is the one doing it.