Friday, September 24, 2010


Ministry is a word that is overused. It means nothing when we don’t want it to, and it means everything when we are trying to impress someone. Ministry must be more than simply a flippant word that we toss around to excuse ourselves from the office to attend a football game out of town. Ministry must be our heart. It must be the very thing that keeps us up at night in prayer for our people. It must be the thing that helps us stay awake when we drive across country to pick up a student who has lost their way, and what helps us sleep at night when the world, or even our own church members, hates us for the way we care for the lost and broken. Ministry must be our fruit.

When I say that ministry must never suffer in the absence of a pastor it is to say that our hearts must be aligned with the Father to the degree that our faith be not dismantled simply because our office system is a bit quieter. We must brazenly run to the hurting and give to those in need. Without regard to the faltering fiscal revenue, and with no thought to how we might pay the light bill at the church next month.

Ministry is the element of the church that will make it relevant, in spite of trends or cultural shifts. Ministry is the element of Jesus that made people flock to him. Ministry is why we have deacons, elders, bishops, and pastors. Ministry is why we have jobs and why the hurting have hope. Ministry is the overwhelming drive of the spirit in each of our hearts to make a difference in the world.

May the spirit empower you, may He make His light shine upon you, and may you make famous His name in all the earth!

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