Friday, August 20, 2010

Honesty and Humility

Honesty with the Lord is difficult. Partly because we have been told most of our lives that if we ever do something to disappoint our Father, he will smite us like Sodom and Gomorra…also because we believe such of stories of scripture to be truth, and we shudder in fear knowing that He is capable of such acts today. However, I must ask, what is a greater offence to the Almighty, to be seated at the pinnacle of all of existence and have his feet wet by the tears of one of his injured and broken children, or to sit at that very same throne and have his deity mocked by a manufactured smile because, “That’s what Christians do…”?

I am assured by the descriptions from the scripture that the Great King of Glory will lower Himself to our aid through the Holy Spirit if we would but be honest with him. If we would tell him that we are angered and hurt, that we are injured and afraid, and that because we don’t quite know what or why the past is what it is, we tremble to think of that which the future might hold. If our finite expressions meet the ears of infinity with honesty and passion, I wonder, what might be His response?

Fear, pain, hurt, anger, disgust, arrogance, and indifference all find their just end in the presence of the compassionate love of Jesus. Each of these expressions plagues us here in this existence; but the Christ’s passion is sufficient to make these less than a memory. The only requirements from the Lord is Honesty and Humility…that he and his glory might be made known throughout the whole world, and his compassion and love might be made known to others who hurt, through you.

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